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I have a BLOG........

Hello everyone. So, as you can see, I have a BLOG. This seems to be a popular thing with my friends :). I decided to create this blog so that I can share things that Jesus has taught me, as well as give my friends and family updates on my life. I don`t have what most people would think of as an exciting life, but I have found that when I allow God to work in my life, some pretty exciting things happen. I decided to name it Rachel`s Corner so that I can post whatever I want to share with everyone, and this is my little "corner" of the internet:).

I`ll try to post on Tuesdays, Lord willing, because I have noticed that my friends tend to post things on Mondays, Wednesdays, Thursdays, and Fridays, but usually not on Tuesdays. Also, my normal weekly posts will consist of what`s going on in my life (e.g., events, projects, etc) and then also a spiritual lesson.

I will try to put pictures in here. My camera is not the best, but it takes decent photos. I hope you like this blog, and if you have any suggestions for me, let me know!

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