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The First Half of Summer

Hello friends!

Summer has been busy. It's a whirlwind of to-do lists and weeks of camp and friendship bracelets and Bible verses (I'm not complaining though, that's how I like my summers). The first few days of summer I spent trying to finish as much school as I could before I left for Counselor Training at Faith Bible Camp, which was from June 28-July 6. I didn't start packing until the day I left (bad idea). I rode with some delightful people from my church.

When I arrived I felt lost and out of place, as I normally do when I go somewhere new. I was the first female Counselor in Training (CIT) to arrive. But the others came almost all at once. There were eight of them besides me! We only had one empty bunk in our cabin.

That evening we had our first "breakout session" which was basically all of us staff getting talked to by adults (I know I make it sound so boring but it really wasn't; I just don't know how else to describe it xd). Ron Hampton told us about the history and mission of Faith Bible Camp. Before he did so, however, a young man named Garrett was baptized. That was great to see.

(Please note: I did not take these photos. Credits to Kent Rygiel for most of them.)

The thing behind him which looks like a little piano is actually an old portable organ that was used in the early days of FBC. His wife played it for us while we sang the Hallelujah Line song (if I remember correctly).

Saturday morning we woke up a bit early and did devos together (two of us are missing in this photo). You may notice that the one on the far right is wearing the shirt of an Ohio football team. She is actually from Ohio. (There were two guys CITs, but I don't have pictures of them. They were fun and entertaining.)

Saturday was a long day of breakout sessions. We also did a prayer walk in the afternoon. Basically we walked around camp to different buildings in small groups and prayed for this summer's camp sessions.

Sunday morning we had a communion service before breakfast. Then it was back to breakout sessions.

On Canada Day, the kids came. Yay!

Don't even ask... that's me in the pink hat, by the way.

Throughout the week, we CITs would go at different times to help out in different cabins. We also had learning and discussion sessions with our great CIT leaders, Gavin and Becky Hall, aka, Edge and Dino (I can't find a picture of them unfortunately). Except, Gavin was the guy baptizing Garrett.

I was a sports team leader with Ohio girl (her name is Klara). Our team was green and we called ourselves the Green 'Gators.

Here are some of my teammates:

The guy to the left is my teammate, Rex. Go Rex!

A few of you will remember George the puppet.

All in all, it was a great time. I enjoyed learning about being a counselor and it was obvious to me that I was where God wanted me to be. I am looking forward to next year.

Here's the whole big group of us:

This afternoon I'm headed back to Gimli Bible Camp to wash dishes again, and this time I'm bringing a young lady I met at homeschool soccer. I will be there next week as well.

Early Saturday morning I had an unusual dream, which I wrote down. I'm usually skeptical about taking lessons from dreams, but this one was obviously in line with Scripture. The story is on my story page. It's not too well written as I was in a bit of a hurry when I wrote it, but I hope you enjoy it anyways.

I hope all of you are having a good summer as well. Or perhaps I should not say a "good" summer, but rather a summer in which you are being continually fashioned in the likeness of the person of Jesus Christ, and being captivated with the power of God's Word. Because that's what it's all about!

Well, that's all for now folks. God bless all of you.

Romans 10:13-14:

For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved. How then shall they call on him in whom they have not believed? and how shall they believe in him of whom they have not heard? and how shall they hear without a preacher?

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