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This week I decided to talk about something a little bit different. Books vs. Movies!

This morning as I was walking home from school...


I guess now I have to mention why I was walking home from school since I am homeschooled. I think most of you already know this, but for the few of you who don't: I have been taking electives at public school for the first time. Last semester I took art, and this semester I am taking computer. It's really sad to see how messed-up some of the students there are without the Lord Jesus in their lives, and it's kind of annoying sometimes to try to work when they are talking boisterously. But I have been enjoying the classes, especially the art.

Now back to what I was thinking about while I was walking home from school: Which is better: reading a book or watching a movie? and are videos/movies overtaking books and other reading materials?

I think the answer to the second question is yes. Although reading is still very much a part of everyday life, and always will be, the actual reading of materials like books seems to be declining. If you want to read a book, you can now read one on your smartphone or tablet (or computer). And who wants to read a book when you can watch a MOVIE??

I'm not here to say that movies are totally a bad thing. In fact, they are very good in many ways. Movies and videos can be used and are being used to spread the gospel. Movies are helpful for reaching people who don't know how to read. And they are really fun to watch!

And look, I'm sure we've all heard many times that reading is better for us than watching a movie. I've found that when I use the computer for a long time and then try to read, it's more difficult to keep focused on what I am reading, and often my eyes are sore. In other words, it's not a good idea to use the computer for more than 15 minutes or so before starting to work on school (unless your school is on the computer). Of course I'm no doctor, but like I said, I think most of us know by now that screens are not always helpful.

But here's the thing with watching movies and reading books that I think we are not always thinking about. Imagine I seated you at a table and brought out, say, a box of Legos. I gave you specific pieces and told you to make a house. Say I then gave someone else the same Legos and also told them to make a house.

Yes, I gave you both the same materials, and I gave you both a good idea of what the outcome was supposed to be, but there was still of lot of room for difference in outcomes. I'm sure the two houses would be quite different. Why? Because everyone has an imagination, and everyone imagines things a little differently (sometimes very much differently) than the next guy.

Well, now, suppose I brought out the Legos again, and this time, I built the house. And then I told you, "Look at this house." And so you looked at the Lego house. "Oh nice," you say. What else are you supposed to do?

When we read a book, we are given descriptions in our minds and we build them up into a unique picture. This cultivates imagination. When we watch a movie, we watch the picture someone else has built.

But like I said before, movies are great! We ought to give them credit for what a good way of storytelling they are for many situations, and we ought to realize that they have been and are being used mightily of God to reach people with the Gospel. Movies have a certain powerful effect that books just cannot duplicate.

But let's not let books fall to the wayside! Not at all! Books are also wonderful storytellers, helpful for different situations and people, and good for cultivating the imagination. Easier on the eyes, too (usually).

And many times we don't (at least I know I don't) get enough of the greatest Book of all time, the Bible. Wow, what a book that is, and how it stretches my imagination! I can't even begin to fathom the depths of it! But I like to try! And when I try and try and I just can't wrap my head around it, I remember that some day God will take away my feeble, earthly mind and give me a new, heavenly one!

Now, I must go. I have a big stack of books to read.

(Actually I need to go to bed.)

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