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What's Happening in My Corner?

Some of you might be wondering what is going on with my blog: Why did I post inconsistently throughout the spring and early summer and then, for almost six months, nothing? Why are there hardly any pictures in my blog (and half of the ones there are obviously free photos I got from Wix and not ones I took)? And what are these new pages, "GALLERY" and "STORIES"?

A large chunk of my summer was spent at Gimli, and the time that wasn't was time I used to catch my breath. Then, when the stress of starting school again and writing the Christmas play for my church kicked in, I was wanting to write about what went on during the summer, but didn't feel I had the time nor the mental energy once schoolwork was done (if I even got it done). Once I started getting back on my feet as far as school was concerned and the Christmas program was over, I was able to ease back into blogging. Hopefully if I keep up with my school I can post regularly.

As for the pictures.... I suppose part of the problem is that I have become slightly paranoid about privacy, as in I don't want to post photos of people without their knowledge and consent. So I am trying to keep the pictures on my blog pictures that don't have people besides myself, pictures that feature people whose consent I have asked to put their photo on my blog, or people who were knowingly in a place where photos and videos were being taken to be put online (as in the film challenge or MACHS Conference, for example.) I know that almost everyone posts pictures of other people on blogs and social media without even thinking about it, and I don't judge anyone who does that. And I don't really mind other people posting photos of me (in most cases). But for the sake of others and for my ease of mind I have chosen that and I hope you respect that.

The rest of the problem is that my camera is not working. I am pretty sure the problem is with the batteries, so I need to get some new ones put in. Hopefully that will happen soon so I can start posting pictures again.

As for the new pages:

Galleries: Since there have been and will be times where I have gone to a place and have taken pictures of it but did not feel like posting about it or did not have the time to post about it, I wanted to have a place where I could post photos with short captions explaining the place or event so that I could put photos there, and that way even if I don't post about a noteworthy event, y'all can still see some pictures of it. I have already put some pictures there of some of the events and places I was last year.

Stories: This is kind of an experiment. I want to try writing tales about ordinary people like me who live in ordinary places, with an ordinary family, but who have an extraordinary God with them. It's just a fun thing I want to try and maybe it won't work out, but we shall see. I wrote an introduction to the series which is posted on that page.

Well, that's about it! Stay tuned for more posts that hopefully will come.

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