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The MACHS Conference!

Well...... it's over.......

The 27th Annual MACHS Conference happened, and I enjoyed it immensely! I got to make new friends, see people I hadn't seen for years, and hear empowering messages.

On Friday I got up at 5:30 (not much gets me up at 5:30, but I have no trouble getting up that early on the days of the conference) and got all ready, and then we (my parents, my brother Joel and myself) drove to the conference. It was supposed to be a half hour drive, but it felt like fifteen minutes.

When I went in, it didn't feel as enormous as I had expected it to, but later when I saw inside the Prairie Hall, I was mesmerized. It was HUGE!

After I arrived I was on registration table duty with Caleb Chacko, a few of the Thiessen girls, and Kyla McKee. I thoroughly enjoyed registration except for the fact that if I was talking to someone and someone came to register, I had to stop my story and register them, but I still managed to do a lot of talking during the time I was doing registration!

After my first slot of registration I went to hear Bill Jack on The Ways of the Wizards vs. the Ways of the Wiseman. That session was pretty good. Then I ate my soggy ham and mustard sandwich in a corner near the front doors, and I hardly had time to eat lunch before it was time for me to work at the registration table. More people came during lunch than I expected. Then I went to Crisis To Christ by Steve Demme and Tearing Up Tracks by Bill Jack. Tearing Up Tracks was my favorite session of the whole conference. After Tearing Up Tracks my parents and Joel and I went home for the day. I was sad to miss the Film Fest, but I had already seen two thirds of the films they showed anyway.

The only picture I took on Friday was the one above. I didn't get any other pictures on Friday. So I decided I'd better get a lot on Saturday.

I got one with Maya (Losch)

I saw a few people who I hadn't seen for years. I wanted to scream when I saw some of my friends, but I restrained myself so as not to look like an idiot (although I probably did anyway.)

There was a lot of decoration on the ceilings.

I didn't manage to get a picture with Bill Jack, but I did get one with Mr. Demme!

Brandon prepares the camera for the Grad. Recognition.

The valedictory address (did I spell that right??) was given by Ezekiel Thiessen. He did a good job!

I tried to get some nice pictures of the grads that I knew or was acquainted with. But I didn't realize until after the grad that my camera had a red eye reduction mode! That would have helped a lot! But here's the best I've got.

Caleb Chacko

Priya Chacko

I tried to get nice pictures of my brother Matt and my parents, but my mom kept looking away, and Matt would not smile. He looked like he wanted to say, "Can I get out of here PLEASE?"😄

I also tried to get a nice one of Elizabeth McKee. Unfortunately this is what I got.

Yeah that was Caleb😄. Thanks to him and the other filmers for their hard work!

Abby Thiessen

Ezekiel Thiessen

Laurel Wolfe

These are all a bit fuzzy.

Thanks so much to everyone who made this conference happen! I enjoyed it even more than last year.

My friend Makalia was going to come. Unfortunately at the last minute we found out she could not come. After the conference went went to see her and eat supper at the place where she was working with her mom.

I`m collecting these.

I think I'm the first to post about the conference. Haha. I beat you all!

I am still a bit brain dead from the information overload and this post is already long so I won't put a spiritual lesson part in this week. So long until next week!

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