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Obsessions, Part 2 - Relying on God

I'm going to quit apologizing for being late with my posting, and stop saying that I am going to post a certain post at a certain time. 😄 I'm just going to post what I can, when I can. I am going to start working at Gimli Bible Camp in less than two weeks, and although I will probably have time to write posts, I may not have my computer to write them up on. I might try posting on Saturday when I come home for the weekend, but I am not promising anything.😄 Speaking of Gimli Bible Camp, they are really understaffed this year, as they often are, and so if you are interested in helping out there this summer, or know someone who might be interested, please contact me, and I can tell you the specific needs and the director's contact info.

I said last time I posted that I was going to post about how to become obsessed with Jesus/God. I’m going to kick this post off with a story.

A couple of weeks ago my family and I had a scare. One Sunday evening my dad started acting strangely. He kept asking the same questions over and over again and he could not remember what had happened earlier that day. My mom and my two older brothers took him to the emergency room.

I was very worried that my dad might never be the same again. But while my mind was racing with thoughts of fear, I felt an extraordinary peace in my soul, and I could strongly sense God's presence. When I went to bed that night, I slept like a baby. Though the fourteen hours in which we didn't know what was wrong with my dad were hard and uncertain, they were filled with indescribable moments, because I felt an amazing closeness with God.

When we later found out that he had transient global amnesia, which is a short term memory loss that is not serious or permanent, I was, of course, relieved. But I felt I had lost the closeness with God that I had had. Why? I wondered. I thought a lot about it, and this is the answer I came up with:

When I was afraid that my dad might never be the same again, I felt a desperate need for God. But when I found out that he was okay, I didn't feel that desperate need for God anymore. I didn't feel the necessity to hold on to Him with all that was in me. But, the problem there is in the word feel. Just because you can't feel something doesn't mean it isn't there. So although I didn't feel a desperate need for God's help, did that mean I didn't need Him? No!

You see, often I don't acknowledge to myself, " I need God's help" until my back is against the wall. When I am very concerned about something/someone, or my day is going all wrong, I think, "I need God!" But I pretty much never think that when I am happily chilling with my dearest friends or playing an exciting and enjoyable game of soccer. However, I should be thinking that all the time. My need for God doesn't come and go as my troubles do. It is ever-present.

God is my Rock, my Fortress, my Salvation, my Strength, my Song, and so much more. When I have a success, it is not because I am successful. It is because He is. And in my weaknesses, it is He who helps me to slowly overcome them. I need God all the time! And I pray He will help me to remember that.

You might have noticed that pretty much the whole way through this post, I used the first person view instead of the second person view. That is because I don't want to come across as if I view this blog as a guidebook and y'all viewers as people who desperately need my words of wisdom. I want to make this blog seem more like a place where I can share with people what God has done with my life, and where I can look back and see for myself what He has taught me over the years. Of course, if you learn from reading this blog, then that's great! Until next time, God bless you all.

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